Google Algorithm Leaked: First Look

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Google’s internal documents, recently leaked by an anonymous source and published by iPullRank, reveal major inconsistencies between what they have stated publicly about their ranking algorithms, and how their algorithms actually work.

Here’s some key takeaways from the Google Algorithm Leak:

Chrome Browser Tracking:

Google has always denied using Chrome browsing data for ranking purposes. The leak confirms that Google does track Chrome activity to influence search rankings, undermining their past user privacy claims.

Clickthrough Rate (CTR):

Google’s public stance has long been that CTR is not a ranking factor. However, the leaked documents show that CTR significantly impacts search rankings, validating long-held suspicions within the SEO community.

Site Authority:

Google consistently refuted the concept of “site authority” in their ranking algorithms. Yet, internal documents reveal the existence of a “siteAuthority” metric, which is a substantial ranking factor.

The Leak Unveiled

The leak, released by an unnamed whistleblower, has been meticulously analyzed by iPullRank. This bombshell disclosure provides an unprecedented glimpse into the inner workings of Google’s search algorithm, exposing the tech giant’s manipulation and falsehoods. SEO professionals now face a paradigm shift, as long-standing Google denials are debunked.

SEO Experts React

Rand Fishkin, reknowned SEO and founder of Moz, covered this story on his X account, covering some highlights:

Implications for SEO

These revelations challenge the foundation of SEO strategies. Marketers and website owners must rethink their approaches, considering these hidden ranking factors. Google’s credibility is severely damaged, and trust in their transparency is eroded.

For a deeper dive into the leaked documents and their implications, read the full breakdown here.