Intake Accelerator:

We help law firms drive growth by transforming your intake department into a case acquisition machine. We’re hands-on partners in every aspect of your law firm intake transformation.

Work With Us

2.5X Increase in Open Cases in 1 Year

Learn how we transformed David Aylor Law Offices Intake Process

View The Case Study



Uncover the Reasons You’re Not Signing More of Your Ideal Cases:

Without an optimized intake process, getting the right leads isn’t enough.

Are you aware of:

  • The Number of Calls
  • How Calls Are Handled?
  • Vendor Details
  • Your Follow Up Quality
  • Your Cost Per Case
  • Marketing Channel Value
  • Close Rate
  • Percentage of Wanted Leads
  • Percentage of Lost Leads
  • Response Time

Surprising Cases We’ve Uncovered:

The following law firms were confident in their intake process …until we checked.

Missed Wrongful Death Case Involving an Infant


Lost Premises Liability Swimming Pool Case


First Call Audited Contains MISSED 8-Figure Birth Trauma Case


Missed Medical Malpractice – Hospital Infection Case


High Volume Firm Misses 50% of Their Calls


200-Person Firm Getting SCAMMED for $400 Dollars per Lead




top-ranking in 3 cities with ZERO LEADS


Drive More Cases.

Our Intake Accelerator intensive program will empower your law firm’s ability to make confident data-driven marketing decisions.

Sign More Cases

Improve Service

Access Real-Time Reports + ROI


Training & Coaching

Receive personalized training for your law firm’s best practices and real time opportunities.
Our intake coaches work closely with receptionists, intake coordinators, marketing managers, paralegals, and attorneys to optimize and monitor the quality of your law firm’s client acquisition.

  • Personalized Coaching
  • Custom Handbooks
  • Learning Management System
  • Lead Monitoring
  • Call Shopping Audits
  • Real-Time Coaching
  • Employee Onboarding
  • Phone Scripts
  • Practice Area Questionnaire Scripts
  • Employee Motivation
  • Technology Adoption
  • Improve Customer Experience
  • Performance Key Performance Indicators
  • Lead Interaction and Processing Evaluations

Streamlined Processes

Automation & Legal Technical Implementation

Streamline your law firm’s client acquisition process with high touch systems to increase team productivity and convert your potential clients in less time. We gather all the information to build your custom system and provide ongoing support and monitoring. Your team will receive training on how to use it, and we’ll stay on top of inconsistencies to address adoption challenges before they become habits.

  • Tracking Integrations with Lead Sources
  • Task Sequence Automations
  • Follow Up Automations
  • Client Document Field Mapping
  • Case Vetting Workflows and Phase Triggers
  • Custom Built-In System Intake Questionnaires
  • Streamline Sign Up Process
  • Case Management Field Mapping
  • Client Correspondence Templates
  • Call Tracking
  • Existing/New Practice Area System Workflows
  • API Keys and Webhooks
  • Referral Network System
  • CRM Adoption & Training.

Reports & Tracking

Reporting & Tracking

Access the reports your law firm needs to make decisions about your marketing, performance, and statistics in real-time.

  • Signed Cases Reports
  • Leads by Case Type Trends
  • Marketing and Contact Source Reports
  • Financial Reporting (Marketing ROI, Average Fees Per Case, Revenue)
  • Referral Network Reports
  • Wanted Conversion Rates
  • Lost Cases Rates
  • Year Over Year Reports
  • Customer Service Evaluations
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Goal Tracking

Quality Assurance

Ongoing Quality Assurance

Receive real-time feedback and reporting on how well your intake team is performing. Our specialists will periodically secret-shop and audit intakes to ensure that your intake team is implementing all best practices when speaking with potential new clients.

  • Ongoing Accountability
  • Department-Wide Buy-In
  • Consistent Quality of Intakes
  • Real-Time Feedback

We Drive Cases That Drive Law Firm Growth

For over a decade, Drive Law Firm Marketing has helped over 140 law firms grow by providing aggressive marketing and growth strategies through web design, data-driven SEO, paid advertising campaigns, and intake optimization.

Work With Us

Intake Accelerator Team

Kaledria Collins

Intake Coach

Elizabeth Anderson

Intake Coach

How to Work With Us.

  • Initial Call & Audit
  • Deep-Dive Into Your Intake Process
  • Intake Strategy
  • Set Up
  • Training
  • Coaching
  • Monitoring

Work With Us

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